Make an Appointment -
Online Research Appointments
Make an appointment in 3 steps. Step 1: Select a staff member. Step 2: Select an available date. Step 3: Select an available timeslot.
Online Research Appointments
Here's How It Works
You simply schedule your research appointment and we'll set up the Zoom meeting and send the meeting information to your MJC student email address. Be sure to check your student email for that appointment information.
When you make an appointment, you and a librarian will work together for up to 30 minutes.
If you need immediate help, youdo not need to make an appointment to work with a librarian. Librarians can help you in a variety of ways. To see all of your options, check out our Ask a Librarian page.
Appointments Are Especially Effective When...
You want in-depth help with your research assignment.
You and your success team would all like to meet. Please coordinate your schedules and make one appointment for the entire team.
You're working on a group project and your group would like to meet. Please coordinate your schedules and make one appointment for the entire group.
Success! You are all set.
A confirmation email with relevant appointment details was sent to . Check your spam folder if you don't see the email in your inbox.